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A selection of some of our reviews:


Ethel and I began our agility journey with Jason approx 3yrs ago. I’ve always wanted to give it a go and it has super exceeded my expectations.

Ethel isn’t your typical agility dog but this hasn’t stopped her in her tracks, not only that she is dog reactive. Although not a behavioural class, training with Jason has helped build her confidence with and around other dogs and also improved my own, getting that feeling like ‘yes I can do this’. With the encouragement from Jason both in yours and your dogs abilities, he works to get the best out of you. Training sessions to meet your needs, push you out of your comfort zone but always in a way that you want to learn more. Not only from Jason but the encouragement and support you receive from the other members of the team that have now become an agility family.

Agility not only gets you out of the house but the bond  you build with your dog is amazing. Not only that but the friendships you make at training is a bonus. Ethel has just recently gone up her 1st grade and I’ve never been prouder of what we have achieved with Jason's knowledge and expertise.

Linsey Newlove April 2024

Steeple Chase Course Running

David L

Thanks Jason, Charlie and I absolutely loved our first day back, we both slept all afternoon, but no adverse reaction, he seems to be back fully fit, especially when I see how fast he ran

Becca I

Well done everyone!!! Me and Lady weren’t very fast but we were up for the challenge and glad we completed it 😎

Amy L

Can't wait for the next one now have a target to go after

Denise Y

A completely unexpected clear round - but chuffed to bits how well Sula did. Thank you Jason for encouraging us to do the course, was great fun 🤩 & thank you all for your kind words & good company. D x 🐾🤗

Emily G

It was good fun thank you Jason!


It was great fun Jason so many thanks and Well done to one and all paws especially to the winners👏

August 2023



Having started agility  12 months ago with my 2 year border Flynn, I moved to train with Jason 6 months ago after a relocation and what a difference - Jason gives clear, concise, achievable instructions and fills you and the dog with confidence and we both love every lesson .

In six months we have independent weaves , and contacts nailed on all the apparatus resulting in our first agility rosette today.

I have another rescue border collie Flash who I was told by my previous trainer would never settle to do agility , but Jason again has weaved his magic and Flash is running simple courses and finding his own entry into weaves in just three months and he just loves it .

Justine Burton Jan 2023

I couldn’t recommend Jason more highly and we come away from every session having had the best time, learning lots and having a good laugh in the process .Jason is enthusiastic, knowledgeable and dedicated. He has helped to bring focus to our crazy, bouncy cockapoo who can't wait to leap out of the car to go to training. Jason is always supportive and training has really positive atmosphere. The extra tips for training in between lessons help you to get the most out of each session. Thank you Jason!

Chris Frazer 2021

What a find! Jason is an amazing trainer and fantastic with dogs. I have two collies and they absolutely love their sessions. There's lots of different equipment and we never do the same circuit twice. Jason also adapts the training session to meet the ability of the dogs (or in my case owner!}

Heather Drewery 2021

Check availability (Remember to include dogs age and breed)